$333.00 USD

7 Days To Wildly Abundant Self-Love

7 part journey to remind you who you are

Stop waiting to love yourself until some far off date in the future when you've "earned it"

Radical self-love is for you if you...
- Tell yourself you'll be happy when (you lose 10 lb, get that new job, dye your hair purple) and then when you get everything you've wanted, it's still not enough
- Tell yourself that you're unlucky in love or friendship and find yourself in the same toxic patterns again and again
- Criticize yourself fiercely and still don't get yourself to change bad habits
- Know that you should set boundaries or practice self-care but you need some accountability to actually get started
- Are a human and want the best that life and love have to offer, and you're ready to radiate in your own nourishing abundance

Start at the end game of loving yourself NOW!